For the academic year 2025-2026 non-EU students residing abroad who want to compete for a seat must take a SAT general culture test. The minimum score to obtain to compete for a seat must be ≥ 979/1600. The results of the test must be uploaded in the application form by the deadline for the application. Tests sent or uploaded after the deadline for the application are not considered. Candidate with a valid test are ranked according to the test score, candidates with the highest scores will be eligible for a spot.

EU candidates who want to compete for a seat must take an English TOLC-I. Minimal entry score is 21/50.

Application announcements (i.e. regulations for the admission to the course) A.Y. 2025/2026 in Italian and English language can be found on this page

Click here for the statistical data on the TOLC-I English version and SAT tests

Find here if your academic title is valid for the application

Info and requests:

Students who hold an entry qualification obtanied abroad:

Students who hold an entry qualification obtanied in Italy: Filodiretto

EU and Non-EU students residing in Italy from more than a year must follow this application procedure.

Regular application period

From June 9 at 09:00 a.m.
to June 23, 2025 at 11:59 p.m.

Extended application period

From August 25 at 09:00 a.m.
to September 8, 2025 at 11:59 p.m.

Available seats

  • 130 seats for EU students and Non-EU students residing in Italy.

Step 1 – Entrance test

Sit the English TOLC-I. Minimal entry score: 21/50.

The above-mentioned tests is not language proficiency tests since cover different subjects, therefore no English proficiency certificate can substitute them.

The English proficiency certificate is not required.

Step 2 – Registration to the competition

Once you have obtained at least the minimum required score you can submit your application by registering to the competition.

1) Register in the student portal.

2) Register to the competition Admissions > Admission Test and choose the course “Artificial Intelligence – 1st year admission for EU and non-EU students regularly residing in Italy”.

Documents to upload if your diploma has been obtained abroad:

  • High school Diploma (or a recognized equivalent qualification) issued in Italian/English/Spanish/French by the home school, or translated into Italian. The document must be legalized or apostilled by the Italian authorities, in alternative the diploma can be accompanied by the Statement of Verification by CIMEA.
  • Declaration of Value or Statement of Comparability by CIMEA.
  • Proof of having passed the academic eligibility exam, if applicable in your country.

English TOLC-I result is automatically acquired by the system.

Step 3 – Check the ranking

The admission criteria is based on the entrance test score.

The ranking will be published on July 7th, 2025

Step 4 – Enroll

If your placement in the ranking entitles you to enroll, you can proceed by following these instructions.

Students who have obtained a score < 9/20 in the mathematics section, will be assigned an additional learning requirement (O.F.A.)

EU and NON-EU students legally residing in Italy who have obtained a school diploma abroad, must pay 35 € fee required for the evaluation of their diploma.

Application period

April 28th 00:00 a.m. to May 20th, 2025 11:59 p.m.

Available seats

  • 45 seats for Non-EU students residing abroad + 5 seats for Marco Polo program students

Step 1 – Entrance test

To compete for a seat, candidates will be required to take the SAT.
Minimal entry score: 979/1600 for SAT.

The above-mentioned tests are not language proficiency tests since cover different subjects; therefore no English proficiency certificate can substitute them.

The English proficiency certificate is not required.

Step 2 – Registration to the competition

Submit your application through the application website by attaching:

  • SAT result: candidates must upload the SAT score sheet in the application form and ask College Board to electronically send it to the University of Pavia using its specific “designated institution (DI) code” (also called Score Send Code): *62940*. Instructions are provided in the application form.
  • Final diploma or official provisional certificate
  • Transcript of records
  • Proof of having passed the academic eligibility exam, if applicable in your country.
  • Declaration of Value or Statement of Comparability, if already available.

Pay €35 application fee.

Step 3 – Check the ranking.

The admission criteria are based on the entrance test score.

The ranking will be published on May 28th, 2025.

Step 4 – Pre-enrollment for study visa application

Non-EU students residing abroad who have been accepted for enrollment need to pre-enroll for study visa application through the platform Universitaly within 31st August 2025, and then get in touch with the Italian Embassy/Consulate in their country.

Step 5 – Enroll

If your placement in the ranking entitles you to enroll you can proceed by following these instructions.

Students who have obtained a score < 510/800 (SAT) in the mathematics section, will be assigned an additional learning requirement (O.F.A.)